We take care of your website hosting with unlimited updates for one set price

Pricing plans
Simple monthly pricing, never pay anything more
**Pages will be built using existing site structure and format. Additional development available at an additional cost.
How it works
As many updates as you need
Upload your task
Our designers action your task
Sign off your task
Choose Hostee for performance, security, and expert support

Superior performance

Enhanced security

Reliable support

UI/UX Experts
Do your part to help the planet

Learn about how to make your website green

Mike Stonebank
When we talk about our hosting being green we mean it. We offer hosting packages that use green energy or benefit from renewable energy initiatives to minimise the environmental impact. Our team's remote locations are also powered by green energy providers.
Our plans are designed for small to medium businesses or personal use. You can upload as many requests as you like to our project management tool and we will work through them one by one. Once you sign off on one task, we move straight onto the next one for you.
Our hosting packages come with built-in support. That means if you are having issues with your website we can assist you with fixing those.
This might include:
- Hosting & domain setup
- Fixing web design issues
- Website speed optimisation
- Optimising image size
- Installing and configuring new WordPress plugins
- Updating WordPress security patches
- Updating WordPress themes
- Adding or updating tracking pixels
- Google Analytics/Search console-setup
- Connect the website with other marketing tools
- Setting up payment providers
We maintain multiple automated backups of your data. Files and databases are backed up regularly and you can restore these via a web interface within your hosting control panel.
Your website's critical data and information are safeguarded by our WAF, which is your first line of defence against cybercriminals.
The most effective way to avoid these attacks is to prevent them from reaching your site in the first place. A WAF does exactly that by building a fence around your WordPress borders. It monitors, filters, and blocks malicious HTTP traffic before it ever reaches your server or site.